by Michael Baggs | Photos by Bandai

Tags: Daft Punk

Pop star action figures: amazing Daft Punk to scary Little Mix

The good, the bad and the ugly of pop dolls


Pop star action figures: amazing Daft Punk to scary Little Mix

Photo: Bandai

Daft Punk have been immortalised in plastic once again, with a new range of 'action figures' set to hit shelves in December 2013.

Usually a marketing exercise for mainstram pop acts, Daft Punk are no strangers to toy-related merchandise, and previous action figure releases became collectors items immediately, changing hands on eBay for hundreds of pounds and still massively in demand to this day.

As far as pop merchandise goes, the new Daft Punk range is better than most - and certainly of a higher quality than those created for X Factor winners Little Mix in 2012.

As we prepare to dig deep into our pockets and shell out for useless but brilliant pieces of plastic, check out some of the best and work pop dolls and action figures...


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