Dresden Dolls star responds to Glasto review
Ben Lawrence

09:42 16th July 2013

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Lead singer of The Dresden Dolls and cult solo artist Amanda Palmer stripped on stage while performing a song in response to a review printed in tabloid newspaper, The Daily Mail.

Amanda Palmer's show at this years Glastonbury was covered in The Daily Mail without a single reference to her music or her live performance. The article is almost entirely fixated on an accidental reveal of Palmer's breast and features large pictures of the singer, including the unintentional nudity.

The article, written by an unnamed 'Daily Mail Reporter', claims Palmer 'made a bit of a boob of herself' during her Glastonbury performance. The article describes her breast as 'escaping' her bra and contains no critical engagement with Palmer's musical performance.

In response Palmer hit back by penning a song entitled 'Daily Mail' which she performed at a live show on Friday (12th). She announces the song as a 'letter to the Daily Mail' and refers to the paper as 'a misogynistic pile of twats'.  

Watch Amanda Palmer peforming 'Dear Daily Mail' below:

Palmer refers to Half way through the song she announces 'It appears that my entire body is currently Trying to escape this kimono!' and promptly strips naked and continues to play after remarking 'it's just a naked woman' amid whooping and cheering.

Throughout the song she hits out at the misogyny in the tabloids in general 'When Iggy, or Jagger, or Bowie, go shirtless, the news barely causes a ripple'. She even predicts how people will respond 'blah blah blah feminist' and claims that The Daily Mail will not review this performance as she has addressed them directly.

Palmer mentions that she will probably never perform it again, so it was a true one off for fans in attendance, ending the show with 'Dear Daily Mail, Up Yours!'


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Photo: WENN