by Michael Baggs

Tags: James Blunt

James Blunt claims UK-wide 'Bonfire Heart' email spam was 'a mistake'

Blunt likened to Tory plans for porn ban


James Blunt claims UK-wide 'Bonfire Heart' email spam was 'a mistake'



James Blunt this week announced his new single 'Bonfire Heart' to thousands of people - who had never asked to be told, with confused music fans across the UK waking to find news of the new single in their inboxes.

A technical error at his record label is believed to have caused the blunder, with millions of people (who has most likely signed up to mailing lists of other artists), receiving notification of his new track, 'Bonfire Heart'.

The single is released on 7 October 2013, but release dates and what the single actually sounds like has come second to mock outrage across the nation who found a 'personal' message from the 'You're Beautiful' singer in their inbox today.

Addressed 'dear friend', the email stated that the single was about "love, life, fear and hope... and more than anything, you... and me..." The email also contained a link to listen to the single.

Blunt later took to Twitter to apologise for the mailout-gone-wrong, writing on Twitter: "Oops... Just emailed the whole of the UK by mistake! Ha."

Below: listen to 'Bonfire Heart' by James Blunt

Twitter users expressed their disgust at the nationwide spam, with one making a comment in reference to government plans to make porn use more difficult in the UK. "Let me see if I've got this right. If we want porn we have to opt IN, but if we don't want James Blunt we have to opt OUT?"

Another twitter user believed they were the victim of some sort of prank, writing: "Somebody added me to the James Blunt mailing list. Greatest prank ever."


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