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Three Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson duets set for release

Tracks recorded in 1983 set for 2013 release


Three Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson duets set for release



Three duets recorded by Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson in 1983 are set for 2013 release, 30 years after they were initially recorded.

The tracks were recorded in 1983, between the release of albums Hot Space (1982) and The Works (1984). Queen guitarist Brian May tells The Times newspaper that these were the only tracks recorded by the duo, as more studio time could not be secured. The duo were reported at the time to have recorded tracks named 'State Of Shock', 'Victory' and 'There Must Be More To Life Than This'.

May claims that there will be 'something for folks to hear' in two months time. The time between Mercury and Jackson was most famous for the fact that MJ brought a llama into the studio, with lawyer Jim Beach claiming the duo fell out over the animal.

"Mercury rang me and said: 'Miami, dear, can you get over here? You've got to get me out of here, I'm recording with a llama,'" he is quoted as saying.

Below: listen to 'State Of Shock' by Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson

Earlier this year, the burial ground of Freddie Mercury was reported to have been located in London's Kensal Green cemetary. A plaque was found in the cemetary, but removed in May of this year.

Below: the secret life of Freddie Mercury: Princess Diana, drag and much more


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