by Amy Weller | Photos by

Tags: Damon Albarn, Blur

8 amazing photos of Damon Albarn and Blur, live in Dublin

Blur perform live at the Royal Hospital


8 amazing photos of Damon Albarn and Blur, live in Dublin


1 July 2013: Blur's performance last night at the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham, Dublin, marked their first Irish performance in four years. Check out photos of the gig here.

Playing to 20,000 people, with support from Bat For Lashes and The Strypes, the crowd were treated to a set list featuring some of the band's best nostalgic hits.

Their world tour is set to continue throughout 2013 but it has not been officially announced when we can expect new material. Bassist, Alex James, has confirmed that are spending time working in the studio and "jamming".

Check out photos of Blur, live at the Royal Hospital, here


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