by Adam Tait | Photos by Wenn

Johnny Borrell's record label sees the funny side of low album sales

Stiff Records indulge in a little good natured mocking


Johnny Borrell's record label sees the funny side of low album sales

Photo: Wenn

It’s hard to deny that the the sales of Johnny Borrell first solo album's sales figures have been disappointing, but the artist’s own record label have managed to see the funny side of it all.

Borrell 1 managed to shift just 594 copies in its first week, a far cry from Razorlight’s last album which reached No. 4 in 2008.

But Borrell’s label Stiff Records apparently couldn’t resist the opportunity to indulge in a little good natured ribbing.

“Stiff Records is proud to announce the first week sales figures for its latest album - Johnny Borrell’s ‘Borrell 1’ - of 594,” a press release boasts.

“[This] makes ‘Borrell 1’ the 15,678th best selling album of the year to date. So far we’ve achieved 0.00015% sales of Adele’s 21 - and 0.03% sales of this week’s No. 1 album from Jahmene Douglas - so we feel like it’s all to play for as we move into the all-important week two.”

Razorlight's last album managed to reach No. 4 in 2008

Johnny Borrell hasn’t responded himself so far, though it’s probably safe to assume he’s not over the moon about his sales numbers.

Below: Superflops - Johnny Borrell isn't the only artist to fall on hard times


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