by Andrew Trendell | Photos by tumblr/wenn

Tags: Prince

What to expect now Prince is on Twitter?

The Purple One has arrived - will he war with Azealia Banks, tweet selfies?


What to expect now Prince is on Twitter?

Photo: tumblr/wenn


Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the fact that Prince is on Twitter. Let's think about what that means for The Purple One...

This week, he personally Tweeted from his verified account for the very first time. The first tweets from Prince were:

He then posted a selfie of his hair, some retweets from fans and an unveiled a snippet of a brand new track.

We never thought we'd see this day. I guess you could say it's a real 'Sign O' The Times'. Come with us as we imagine His Royal Badness adopting all of Twitter's most annoying habits (and shoehorn in as many Prince puns as possible). Let's Go Crazy.


Posting pictures of more food and drink
He's already shown us his dinner. It's time to expect updates from his every drink and meal We'd love to see his Little Red Courgette.


 Change his Twitter name to a symbol
Imagine trying to figure out how to type this, let alone hashtag it...



 Responding to his critics
Twitter can be a real cruel place. Could Prince be opening the floodgates to abuse from everyone who didn't like 'Batdance'? "Why you wanna treat me so bad?"




Sharing 'hilarious' pictures of animals
"Check out this Raspberry Ferret LOL"



Sharing viral videos
Because Nothing Compares 2 Youtube 


 Upsetting his followers
Imagine being unfollowed by Prince. The pain would be unreal.  This is what it sounds like when doves don't get an RT. 


Come to terms with the weirdness of the real world
Prince has been living a comfortable as an eccentric recluse up there in Paisley Park. Is he ready for the weirdness of Twitter? 


Just Prince, kickin' back, looking casual. #BabyI'mAStar


Celebrities love to tease a bit of nudity on Twitter. "Been workin' up a #BlackSweat. Just having a bath LOL"


Who needs a weather forecast when you've got the good people of Twitter? "Staying in, too much Purple Rain"



Azealia Banks Feud
It's a rite of passage for every artist on Twitter to have a row with Yung Rapunxel


That's all very well until he gets bored
Because we can't imagine him keeping up forever. It's just a matter of time until he gets the Computer Blues and Getts Off


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