by Amy Weller | Photos by

Tags: Frank Turner

Frank Turner cancels upcoming festival dates due to back injury

But the show will go on for Reading and Leeds


Frank Turner cancels upcoming festival dates due to back injury



An ongoing back injury has forced Frank Turner to cancel a number of upcoming European festival dates, including appearances in Belgium, Switzerland and Germany. 

The singer songwriter posted an official statement on his website, informing fans of his reluctant decision following an ongoing back problem that started in June.

"It’s become a serious thing, and despite my best efforts to ignore it, bully it into submission or just punk rock through the whole thing, it’s a problem I need to deal with. My doctor has sent me in for a spinal epidural shot tomorrow, which means there is no way I can play at Pukkelpop, Gampel or Highfield Festivals this weekend."

However Turner fans going to Reading and Leeds next weekend will be relieved to hear that he is doing his best to make ensure the shows will still go ahead.

Turner told fans, "We are working on a plan, and if I have to do them in a goddamn wheelchair I will."

Watch Turner perform 'Photosynthesis' at Reading 2011 below

He later took to twitter to express his gratitude for his fan's understanding. 

Below: Frank Turner and more - exclusive shows of the Newport Folk Festival


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