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by Chloe Ravat | Photos by

Tags: Plan B 

Plan B insults Eminem fans at Slane Castle, storms off stage early

London rapper fails to win over Irish fans


Plan B insults Eminem fans at Slane Castle, storms off stage early Photo:


London rapper Plan B annoyed Eminem fans in Ireland after he cut his support slot short, calling the fans; "the tamest f*cking crowd of my life."

After repeated attempts to rev up the 80,000-strong crowd at Slane Castle, Plan B; real name Ben Drew, couldn't hack it any more and refused to continue, cutting his set short by 10 minutes.

He started off by appealing to their common heritage, "I'm from Wexford, Loch Gorman, so give us some love," and when that failed, resorted to good ol' profanity: "Come on you c*nts!" he said to the crowd.

Watch: The video for Plan B's single 'Deepest Shame'

Luckily, Eminem fared a bit better with the crowd that night, to put it mildly. Spinning out hit after career-defining hit with tunes like 'The Real Slim shady' and 'Stan', he rescued any damage done by Plan B's diva-esque tantrum, but unfortunately it didn't stop a grand total of 63 fans being arrested during the course of the show.

Plan B recently announced an intimate show at the 02 Shepherd's Bush Empire on the 29 August - let's hope that goes a bit better.

Below: Plan B performs at iTunes Festival last year

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