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Kanye in Kazakhstan - $3m: private appearance fees of the stars

Who can you get for your cash?


Kanye in Kazakhstan - $3m: private appearance fees of the stars



New dad Kanye West is clearly doing all her can to provide for new daughter North West, having recently performed an exclusive gig for the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The rapper was reportedly paid $3million for his appearance, which has caused controversy due to President Nursultan Nazarbayev's business dealings. The politician is said to have stolen billions of dollars of cash from the country's oil funds and placed it in offshore accounts.

Private appearances are nothing new however, with some of the biggest names in music more than happy to fly to the middle of wherever to perform big-money gigs, some of which last mere minutes.

So, if Kanye West's $3million fee is too much for you, maybe some of these other stars will be in your proce range...


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