by Michael Baggs

Tags: Arcade Fire

Watch: Arcade Fire premiere 'Reflektor' video

Arcade Fire make their long awaited comeback in epic style with spectacular new single - listen here


Watch: Arcade Fire premiere 'Reflektor' video



Arcade Fire have premiered their long awaited new single 'Reflektor', in the form of an interactive video. Click here to view the video on

The video allows the viewer to control the lighting effects on the video with their mouse or touch-screen device, to epic effect. The track itself has all the grandeur of previous Arcade Fire releases, mixed in with the trademark DFA beats from producer James Murphy. The track builds to a truly epic climax and makes the lengthy wait for Arcade Fire's return worthwhile. The video 'follows a young woman who travels between her world and our own'. Click here to view the video.

The band have also revealed a second video for the track. Check that out below.

The band have been engaged in an intense and mysterious marketing campaign for the new album, with cryptic images appearing on Instagram and Twitter, teasing the name of the new album and more recently, snippets of new music. New album Reflektor is released on 29 October 2013.

Below: upcoming albums worth getting very excited about


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