by Tamsyn Wilce

Tags: London Grammar

Radio One apologise for sexist tweet about London Grammar frontwoman

Staff from the Breakfast Show apologise


Radio One apologise for sexist tweet about London Grammar frontwoman



BBC Radio One have apologised to listeners and Twitter followers, after asking Twitter fans if they thought London Grammar frontwoman Hannah Reid was 'fit'.

Earlier this morning a tweet was sent out, alongside an image of the trio saying "We all think that girl from @londongrammar is fit. Let us know if you agree on 81199 #ladz"

After many responded complaining, they issued an apology stating that the tweet was meant to be 'ironic'.

"Our tweet earlier about Hannah from @londongrammar was meant to be ironic, but we got it wrong. We're sorry." They removed the offending tweet from their timeline and said that despite the number of retweets and screengrabs it'd had, they removed it out of respect for Hannah. 

Watch London Grammar cover 'For The Kill' by La Roux for Radio One below

The trio are named as favourites to win the Barclaycard Mercury Music Prize 2013, the shortlist of which will be announced by Lauren Laverne later on today (September 11th). 

 Below: London Grammar and AlunaGeorge at Ibiza Rocks 2013




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