by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

The most achingly sincere 'real musician' X Factor finalists ever

Guitars, tattoos - and they're still not very good


The most achingly sincere 'real musician' X Factor finalists ever


Oh God, it's really happening again isn't it? The X Factor is currently on its tenth year of broadcast in the UK, marking a decade of Simon Cowell's dominance over the British music industry. Hurrah etc.

Initially a place where nice old school teachers (Verity Keays) or the visually impaired (2 To Go) could have a crack at fame, it evolved into a fame monster, churning out stars like Leona Lewis, One Direction and Cher Lloyd. In recent years however, the show has come under fierce criticism due to the sheer number of heavily manufactured artists churned out and unleashed on the public.

The show's response? Get more acoustic guitars on the show.

Over the past few years, an increasing amount of wannabes have been seen on the show brandishing instruments or worse - performing original material *shudder'. So, with the show dragging us all towards Christmas once again, we've taken a look back at the most fist-gnawingly sincere artists who, despite queuing in line for hours to sing in front of Louis Walsh hoping to establish themselves as 'real' musicians on X Factor...


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