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Tags: Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks: 'Why is white women twerking the new evil?'

If Santigold can sing indie, anyone can twerk


Azealia Banks: 'Why is white women twerking the new evil?'


'ATM Jam' rapper Azealia Banks has questioned the ongoing 'twerking' controversy, revealing she struggles to understand why so many people are outraged by the use of black culture by white women.

'Twerking' entered the mainstream consciousness when Miley Cyrus twerked her way to international notoriety at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards with her shocking performance with Robin Thicke. Many stars have since commented on the incident, with questions being raised by many over the use of what some see as white stars using black culture to promote themselves.

Banks, however, can see no issue with anyone twerking - especially when black women are more than able to sing rock music.

"So strange... Santigold can sing indie rock songs and no one accuses her of wanting to be white..but white women twerking is the new evil," said Banks on Twitter.

"I'm really trying to figure this out. Why is Black Culture such an exclusive club??? ... I'm asking myself this question as well. I'm guilty of this."

Below: 'Put it away love' - stars respond to Miley Cyrus' twerking at the VMAs


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