by Andrew Trendell | Photos by WENN

Tags: Azealia Banks

Azealia Banks calls for nuclear disarmament in wake of Syria crisis

Rapper takes to Twitter to voice concers


Azealia Banks calls for nuclear disarmament in wake of Syria crisis

Photo: WENN

Azealia Banks has voiced her concerns about the potential use of nuclear weapons in the ongoing conflict in Syria. 

The rapper quickly turned from tweeting about people not washing their hands after using the toilet to a far more serious tone, when she started to a discuss a New York Times article about disarming Syria of its chemical weapons through 'brute force and chemistry'.

She spoke of her concerns about the environmental implications of what to do with the refuse from the chemicals, before going on to talk about the dangerous futility of nuclear war and mutually assured destruction.

Banks posted:

Banks then responded to those who were less keen on her interest in current affairs and international relations:


Banks is currently gearing up to release her long-awaited debut album, Broke With Expensive Taste - which she recently hailed as 'the most innovative hip-hop album of the last 10 or next 25 years'

 Below: Azealia Banks live at Glastonbury 2013


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