by Michael Baggs

Tags: Drake

Drake soundtracks hugely embarrassing 'video-selfie' viral hit

See the #StarbucksDrakeHands video here


Drake soundtracks hugely embarrassing 'video-selfie' viral hit


Drake's 'Hold On, We're Going Home' hit has become the soundtrack for a new viral hit, featuring a Los Angeles man sending a 'video selfie' to a female model. See the video below.

US website Gawker reports that the barista, asked model Piper Kennedy for her phone number while working in an LA coffee shop. She claims she did so 'reluctantly'. The coffee shop employee then sent her a bizarre, 15-second video of himself posing for a 'selfie', with Drake's current hit soundtracking the bizarre video - which has since been posted online. See it below.

A friend of the model, known as DJ Ben Roc, posted the video on Instagram and it has since gone on to become a huge viral smash, and trended across the globe with the hashtag #StarbucksDrakeHands and spawned countless spoofs. The video has clocked up 350,000 views in four days on YouTube.

Model Kennedy is now riding the wave of internet success, and is scheduled to appear on Ryan Seacrest's US radio show, discussing the video.

Our only hope is that this isn't another Jimmy Kimmel project - like the twerking girl who set herself on fire...


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