by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Rihanna

Rihanna: 'I hate the paparazzi more than the nazis'

Star speaks out on Instagram


Rihanna: 'I hate the paparazzi more than the nazis'


US pop superstar Rihanna has hit out at paparazzi photographers, claiming she hate them more than the Nazis.

The star made the statement on Instagram, sharing a photograph of herself taken by paparazzi, stood in a window and wearing a robe, with the caption: 'I hate these niggaz more than the Nazi'.

See the image below

The 'Diamonds' singer is one of the most photgraphed women in the world and is followed by snappers wherever she goes. As an avid Instagram user and outrageous star, she usually seems unphased by such attention, but after years under media scrutiny, it appears her patience with the spotlight is fading.

Below: Rihanna is a 'hot mess' as Diamonds tour hits Canada


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