by Michael Baggs

Tags: Kanye West

Video: viral hit of girl quitting job boosts Kanye West into US Top 20

Marina Shifrin quit video gets 'Gone' into chart


Kanye West's 2005 track 'Gone' has returned to the US charts this week, after it was used to soundtrack a US video producer quitting her job. See the viral video hit in the video above.

Marina Shifrin shot to online fame when she announced her resignation from her job as a video producer with a clip which showed her dancing around her office to the sounds of Kanye. Now, the attention from her work has boosted 'Gone' to No.18 on the US Billboard chart - due largely to the number of video streams, which contribute to the Hot 100.

Shifrin posted the video online after becoming disillusioned with her job as a video news producer, and the pressure from superiors on quantity, rather than quality in her work.

Discussing her choice to quit in the way she did, Shifrin wrote online: "I work for an awesome company that makes news videos. I have put my entire life into this job, but my boss only cares about quantity, how fast we write and how many views each video gets.

"I believe it's more important to focus on the quality of the content. When you learn to improve this, the views will come. Here is a little video I made explaining my feelings."

She later revealed on Twitter that her resignation had been accepted.


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