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by Kiel Egging | Photos by WENN

Selena Gomez responds to Lorde criticism: 'She's not feminist'

Singer also declares 'Royals' star is 'gonna take over'


Selena Gomez responds to Lorde criticism: 'She's not feminist'

Photo: WENN

Selena Gomez has addressed the recent swipe she recieved from booming Kiwi songstress Lorde, saying she hasn't taken her 'anti-feminism' comments to heart.

Speaking with a reporter on The Kane Show for 99.5 HOT FM in Washington, Gomez discussed the broader topic of criticism and the ways in which she responds to it from various instigators.

"There's two different kinds of criticism," she said. "There's the people that hide behind a computer and want to say endless amount of things but never say it to your face, and then obviously there are the vocal ones."

Lorde told MTV in an interview last week she was 'sick of women being portrayed this way' when discussing the sexual themes in Gomez' track 'Come and Get It'.

Whilst acknowledging Lorde's thoughts and admitting that she's 'super talented', Gomez stated that she doesn't agree with the comments as she was effectively "tearing down another artist."

"I appreciate everybody's opinion, especially because I've covered her music lots of times," she said. "I think she is super talented and I think it's awesome. But I think at the same that feminism and that specific thing is very sensitive because in my opinion it's not feminism if you're tearing down another artist.

"So that's the only thing that I feel but you know, she's young, she's got so much talent, she's gonna take over, she gets it, so I don't take it to heart."  

The reporter then remarked that "at 16 we all kinda felt like we knew everything," to which Gomez replied: "I sure did, I was like, trust me I know what I'm doing at 21... that's not what I'm doing at 21 that's for sure."

Watch the full video interview with Selena Gomez below

Oh No They Didn't has reported that Gomez has since dropped her cover of Lorde's Royal's from her current North American tour.

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