by Tamsyn Wilce | Photos by

Tags: Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus' backing dancer 'humiliated' by MTV VMAs performance

Hollis Jane says she was used as a 'prop'


Miley Cyrus' backing dancer 'humiliated' by MTV VMAs performance


Hollis Jane, a 'little person' who danced with Miley Cyrus in her shocking MTV Video Music Awards performance, has revealed how she was left feeling humiliated after the show.

Being classed as a 'little person' or to some, a dwarf, Hollis Jane was hired for the controversial VMA performance between Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke to dance as one of the backing bears on stage. Opening up in a personal blog post, she spoke of how the performance made her feel she was being looked and laughed at for all the wrong reasons. 

"I had never been in a performance where I was purely meant to be gawked or laughed at. I will never forget that performance because it is what forced me to draw my personal line in the sand. I walked out of the Barclay Center shaking and crying."

Watch Miley Cyrus' VMA performance below:

Hollis continued to say, "For the first time I felt truly ashamed of being a little person. We were being used simply because we were little. It felt like society still saw us as a joke, despite the fact there is literally nothing different about me other than the fact I am small."

The dancer has since received criticism about her post, with outsiders saying she shouldn't have taken the role in the first place and with Cyrus' stating the performance was never meant to insult anyone, Hollis Jane's story hasn't been well received. 

Below: Music stars react to Miley Cyrus' VMA performance


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