by Edward Keeble

Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber: huge pop megastar - and a bit of a douchebag

From DJ aggression to never wearing a shirt...


Justin Bieber: huge pop megastar - and a bit of a douchebag


Justin Bieber is certainly finding it hard to keep himself under the radar recently, having hit the headlines this weekend after demanding a world famous dance DJ played him some hip-hop during a show in South Korea.

In recent years it has become clear that the childhood Bieber we once knew is long gone. In his place there is something far far worse - an ego-maniac with more money than sense who manages to irritate anyone who doesn't identify themself as a 'belieber'. So without further ado, check out Justin Bieber's most nerve-grinding antics in recent memory...

1. He leaves his fans waiting for two hours at gigs
When Bieber performed at London's O2 Arena, after arriving at 10:30pm (missing his stage time of 8:30, slightly) Justin left his fans in tears and parents enraged.


2. He wore this ridiculous gas mask on a night out after the show

3. Which unfortunately isn't quite as chic and cool as a Chanel balaclava

 4. He never wears a shirt. Ever
He decided to wander around London in zero-degree weather sans shirt like the sweaty guy everyone tries to avoid at a night club. This was not an isolated incident

 5. He can be highly aggressive and mouthy
Let's not forget his London trip ended with this charming episode in which resembling E17's Brain Harvey (post potato binge) as he lashed out at the papparazzi. 

6. He abandoned a monkey and everyone loves monkeys
Justin bought a primate called Mally that he promptly abandoned in Germany as he failed to procure the correct paperwork for the pet. Although that's probably a bit of a relief for poor old Mally...

7. THIS is his car

 8. He urinates in inappopriate places (and people should be glad of it)
When frequenting a restaurant he thought he might mark his territory by having a pee in a mop bucket. We've all been there right? Oh and his friends told a worker at the restaurant they should be proud he relieved himself in their bucket.


 9) He dissed Bill Clinton
After urinating in the bucket, Bieber sprayed cleaning products at a picture of the former president whilst shouting 'fuck Bill Clinton'. Needless to say old Bill wasn't impressed and Justin swiftly issued an apology.


10. He decided Anne Frank was a 'Belieber'
On a visit to the Anne Frank museum in Holland, Bieber kept a low and modest profile when he signed the book, writing that if Anne Frank were alive she would have been a Belieber.  The world reacted accordingly...

11. He treats his staff like shit because he's lazy
 A little tuckered out after all his antics the Beebs couldn't quite make it up the great wall of China, so decided he was the new emperor.


12. He has has the club etiquette of a drunk tornado
In keeping with subtle tone of his actions in Asia a shirtless (noticing a theme here) Bieber allegedly forced his way into Micheal Woods' DJ booth demanding he play Hip-Hop before throwing a punch at Woood's tour manager

13) He drives dangerously then threatens people
When a neighbour expressed concern about the singer's erratic driving he spat in their face and threatened to kill him. Charming


14) While we are on the subject he also spits on his fans...


And there we have one of the biggest popstars on the planet. And also a massive douchebag


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