by Edward Keeble | Photos by

Tags: Biffy Clyro

Biffy Clyro frontman threatened by bailiff for forgetting to pay gas bill

Simon Neil too rock and roll to open his post


Biffy Clyro frontman threatened by bailiff for forgetting to pay gas bill


Simon Neil of Biffy Clyro fame has reveleaed he has run into trouble with the bailiffs after failing to pay his gas bill on multiple occasions.

Neil has revealed that like many of us he's a wee bit lazy and forgot to pay some of his bills, which in turn ended up landing him in a bit of bother. In an interview with the Daily Record newspaper Neil said: "I am one of these people who doesn't open their post. I had a bailiff at the door threatening me and trying to get in because I hadn't paid the gas".

Despite struggling to pay their bills Biffy have won big this week after taking the award for Best Album home from the Q Awards yesterday. Winning the award Neil had the following elegant words for the occasion: "As always, thank fuck David Bowie isn't here".

This follows on from a storming year for the band that saw them migrate to the status of festival headliners closing the Sunday at Reading festival with a storming show. Hopefully now they can afford to hire a butler to pay their bills.

 Below check out photos of a shirtless Biffy tearing up reading


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