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by Edward Keeble

Tags: Geri Halliwell

'Exhale the bullsh*t': Geri Halliwell hits back at criticism of comeback

Ex-Spice Girl shrugs off the embarrasment


'Exhale the bullsh*t': Geri Halliwell hits back at criticism of comeback


 It looks like Geri Halliwell has hit back at critics of her new comeback single 'Half Of Me', after it charted very poorly indeed in her new home of Australia. 

The release of Halliwell's 'Half Of Me' has been what some might call unmitigated disaster, with a hugely cringeworthy debut on Australian TV followed by a cheap looking video that took the pain to a whole new level. Following release, things only got worse as the single ended up selling less than 400 copies. 

Now, the former Spice Girl has indingnantly fought back on Twitter: 


While we admire Geri's resolve, the song and video are perhaps one of the most heart wrenchingly embarassing things you will see this year. Sorry Geri, better luck with the next single eh?

Watch Geri Halliwell's 'Half Of Me' video below, if you dare

Below: Stick with the band - the 12 artists who should never have launched solo careers

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