by Edward Keeble

Tags: Lady Gaga

Youtube Awards a ratings flop, thousands tune out as Lady Gaga performs

60 million voted but just 180,000 tuned in


Youtube Awards a ratings flop, thousands tune out as Lady Gaga performs


The inaugural Youtube Awards were appearently a bit of a disaster when it came to viewing figures, with the streaming stats revealing an audience who didn't care and swiftly tuned out when things went south.

The ceremony was aired live on the video broadcast site was the first of its kind, incorporating the creation of live music videos, unscripted events and all directed by Spike Jonze. It included performances from Arcade Fire, Lady Gaga, MIA, Earl Sweatshirt, Tyler The Creator and Eminem to top it all off.

However the figures revealed appear to demonstrate that the awards were far from a success as despite 60 million votes allegedly being cast to decide the winners, only 218,000 tuned in at it's peak viewing time. This dropped swiftly to a median viewership of 180,000 which in terms of the channel's reach and scope is a bit of a disaster. 

On top of this it appears that certain parts of the show were more offensive than others, it appeared that the unscripted nature of proceedings were a big turn off. However it looks like Lady Gaga alienated audiences the most as 4,000 viewers jumped out of the stream during her tearful performance. 

Watch Lady Gaga cry as she performs 'Dope' at Youtube awards below

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