by Samantha Coombes | Photos by

Annie Lennox hoping to inspire generation of older female musicians

Star speaks out for ageing female stars


Annie Lennox hoping to inspire generation of older female musicians


Annie Lennox has revealed how she hopes she inspires musicians to continue their careers into old age.

The singer/songwriter won a music industry trust award for her contribution to British music this week, marking a successful solo career after she released her debut album Diva back in 1990 and selling more than 75 million records worldwide with Dave Steward as Eurythmics and for her charity work.

In an interview with the BBC Lennox admitted it was a 'big deal having come through my solo career'.

She went on to say how the pop music is about 'youth and beauty' , and adds: "its encouraging for young female artists to see that you can still be relevant, be here and creative when your your mothers age or even your grandmothers age."

Her views seem to be in tune with the open letter she send to Miley Cyrus telling her not to let the music industry use her.

Lennox even reflexcts on the fact she herself faced issues during her solo career: "I feel very much alive and I've always wanted to be an artist that didn't compromise too much, although I had to compromise here and there. I always wanted to hold on to my integrity and that's not always been easy."

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