by Michael Baggs | Photos by PlayStation

Tags: Daft Punk

Watch: Playstation 4 unboxing video is the same as Daft Punk's

Both videos are similar - and hugely exciting


Watch: Playstation 4 unboxing video is the same as Daft Punk's

Photo: PlayStation

Tribute, copycat, parody - whatever you call it, Playstation's new unboxing video of its PlayStation 4 console is almost identical to Daft Punk's Random Access Memories video.

Oh. And it's also brilliant.

Earlier this year, amid 2013's best album campaign, Daft Punk revealed this brilliant Random Access Memories video, showing the robots opening the album vinyl to the sounds of album-opener, 'Give Life Back To Music'. Now, PlayStation have copied the video (right down to the leather gloves) for their PS4 video. Check it out below.


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