by Hywel Roberts

Tags: Radiohead

Radiohead's Johnny Greenwood eats penis shaped cake on birthday

Baked phallus tribute to Curb Your Enthusiasm..


Radiohead's Johnny Greenwood eats penis shaped cake on birthday


Radiohead guitarist Johnny Greenwood has showed off a more irreverent side that people might not expect, by ordering some erotic baking for his 42nd birthday.

In a tribute to Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm, he ordered the cake to eat whilst gorging on the sitcom for his birthday celebration. In the show there is a scene where the chocolate covered phallic cake is collected by main character Larry David by mistake, causing acute embarrassment in front of his black house guests.


Greenwood has been fairly quiet this year, his last major project being writing the score for Philip Seymour-Hoffman film The Master in 2012. He did contribute to a mix tape with Radiohead band-mate Thom Yorke, but apart from that he has been taking what is definitely a well earned break.

So, Happy Birthday Johnny. We hope you enjoyed the cake and it didn't get you into as much trouble as the always unfortunate Larry David. 

Below: Photos from Radiohead's King of Limbs tour


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