Sounds more fun than our English degrees
Hywel Roberts
16:16 12th November 2013

Rutgers University in New Jersey is to offer a new course where students can study Bruce Springsteen's theological lyrical references.

The Boss hails from the Garden State, and professor Azzan Yadin-Israel is teaching at Rutgers there. He explains the reasons for running the course, saying "On a literary level, Springsteen often recasts biblical figures and stories into the American landscape".

Warming to his subject, it's clear that the university don is a Springsteen fan and that he has given particular attention to his lyrics, revealing "Springsteen refers more often to the stories of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) than the New Testament"

It certainly sounds interesting, but how will the course grab American youths who have their minds very much stuck in the here and now? Easy, says Yadin-Isreal, as "On a literary level, Springsteen often recasts biblical figures and stories into the American landscape".

Watch: Bruce Springsteen performs 'Rosalita' at Wembley

Students are often accused of being layabouts and wasting taxpayers money by studying frivolous subjects for years on end. With no disrespect to The Boss, as come on the man in untouchable,  it's hard to see how this new course is going to help their course.

Below: Bruce Springsteen live in Leeds

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