by Andrew Trendell

Tags: Madonna, Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga launches explicit rant againt Madonna rivalry

ARTPOP star dismisses ongoing rivalry


Lady Gaga launches explicit rant againt Madonna rivalry


Lady Gaga has dismissed her highly public rivalry with Madonna - claiming that she doesn't care if Madge dislikes her and that she has no interest in 'taking her throne'. 

Speaking to UUS Radio DJ Howard Stern, the Fame star described their feud as 'nonsense'.

"I think she's more aggravated that I'm not upset that she doesn't like me," said Gaga. "'Cause I don't care that she doesn't like me... No, I don't care... It's such nonsense."

Gaga added that attacks from figures such as Perez Hilton are "really rooted in Madonna, that's the centre of it. It's silly"

She went on: "There's always this pissing match: 'She's taking her torch, is she the new her, is she going to outlast her or not?' There's this thing with some people that I'm a threat to the throne. I don't want your f**king throne, no thanks, I have my own.

"I actually don't want a throne at all, because I don't view myself as a queen, I view myself as one of my fans."

Gaga and Madonna's rivalry has been public for several years after a flood of comparisons between the two, with Madge once slamming Gaga's 'Born This Way' as 'reductive'.

Lady Gaga's new album ARTPOP is out now. 


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