by Edward Keeble | Photos by

Tags: Fleetwood Mac

John McVie's cancer allowed Stevie Nicks' American Horror Story cameo

Schedule freed up to play a TV witch


John McVie's cancer allowed Stevie Nicks' American Horror Story cameo


Following the announcement of John McVie's cancer diagnosis, it's been revealed that the impact on the band's schedule allowed Stevie Nicks to make a TV cameo.

It was recently revealed that Nicks will be making an appearance in supernatural TV show, American Horror Story: The Coven as a witch. However it may have never happened had it not been for McVie's cancer diagnosis as the band would have been to busy for Nicks to take time out to film for the show.

The shows creator Ryan Murphy confirmed via. Twitter that Nicks would be appearing in an episode for airing in 2014 and in an interview with Entertainment Weekly he revealed that the cameo nearly didn't happen.

"She called and said, 'I'm now available, sadly enough, if you wanna use me'", he said, "So I said, 'Let's do it!' So she's flying in for, like, two days and doing her scenes. I know every person in the show is like, 'I better be in that goddamn scene!' It's funny."

Fleetwood Mac cancelled a series of tour dates next year after it was confirmed that John McVie had developed cancer. The hiatus has been undertaken in order to allow the bassist to recover while he goes through treatment.

Below check out 11 shots of Fleetwood Mac on tour 

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