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Tags: Beyonce

Listen: New Beyonce track 'God Made You Beautiful' leaks online

The long wait for new material is over - sort of


Listen: New Beyonce track 'God Made You Beautiful' leaks online


The long and arduous drip feeding of information on Beyonce's new album continues today as new track 'God Makes You Beautiful' leaked online. Listen below.

Given away as a free download for fans who pre-ordered the Life Is But a Dream DVD, the track is a ballady little number that is perhaps the first glimpse at new material. Originally screened on HBO in the US, the documentary will be released on November 25.

 Listen to Beyonce's 'God Made You Beautiful' below 

Other Beyonce tracks have debuted in 2013, including 'Grown Woman' and 'Standing on the Sun', both of which seemed to have appeared in various commercials, including Pepsi. While all this shows new material is being made it begs the questions whether these songs will be included on the album or left simply as throw away material and b-sides.

Pharrell Williams who is currently working on B's follow up to 4 said that the album is indeed nearly finished and that the new material is "crazy". 

Below: check out 10 photos of Beyonce performing at V festival this year 



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