More mind boggling soundbites from Yeezy
Gaby Whitehill

17:17 26th November 2013

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Kanye West has claimed massive corporations such as Nike discriminate, as 'black people don't have the same connections as Jewish people, or oil people'.

West appeared on US radio station Power 105.1's The Breakfast Club to go head to head with DJ Charlamagne, who has been openly critical of Kanye's recent creative output, as well as accusing him of setting up paparazzi shots and being a "walking contradiction" for working with the same corporations he criticises.

Charlamagne made it no easier for West during the radio interview, bluntly stating "Yeezus is a terrible album."

However, West managed to turn it back around to himself (who knew?), explaining he "need[s] product. What if no one else buys albums?" referring to providing a financially stable feature for his child, North. He then stuck the boot in corporations such as Nike.

"These industries run the world. We’re only allowed to communicate," said West. "It’s a form of cotton we’re all picking. Ain’t none of us this free," adding: "Black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish people, or oil people."

Watch the video for Kanye West's 'Bound 2' below:

The rapper also claimed to be "ten years ahead of you, mentally", before citing late Apple founder Steve Jobs as someone he aspires to be (again) alongside Walt Disney and Michelangelo. Come on Kanye, don't be shy - dream a little bigger!

West also discussed the recently revealed, widely mocked visuals to Yeezus track 'Bound 2', which features West's fiancee Kim Kardashian topless astride a motorbike, claiming that he "wanted to take white trash t-shirts and turn it into a video. I wanted it to look as phony as possible." The video was yesterday parodied by actors James Franco and Seth Rogen, with hilarious results.

Below - the 9 dumbest moments in Kanye West's 'Bound 2' video:

  • 1) Premiering the video for a track off one of the most subversive albums of the year on the mind numbing Ellen Degeneres show.

  • 2) This rubbish CGI eagle.

  • 3) These pretentious looking horses.

  • 4) This shit green screen.

  • 5) This perfume advert style shot that looks like it should be followed with the words J'adore and a tired looking Brad Pitt.

  • 6) This dead behind the eyes shot that looks like they're humping. No one likes public displays of affection especially graphic ones (unless you're a perve).

  • 7) More shit green screen.

  • 8) Epic movie poses. You're not Leonardo DiCaprio on the Titanic mate.

  • 9) Kim Kardshian's presence. You can't demand privacy and then shove your relationship in peoples faces like this. 

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