by Andrew Trendell | Photos by WENN

Tags: Nine Inch Nails, Kanye West

Listen: Kanye West freestyles (badly) over 'Closer' by NIN

Yeezy ruins Nine Inch Nails classic


Listen: Kanye West freestyles (badly) over 'Closer' by NIN

Photo: WENN

Kanye West has upset a few rock purists after a recent failed attempt to freestyle over Nine Inch Nails' 'Closer'. Listen to his effort below.

Appearing on US radio show Sway In The Morning, when host Sway Calloway asked Yeezus to improvise over the top of Trent Reznor's industrial rock classic. If he'd pulled it off, it could have been one of the most awesome moments in music of 2013. Alas, he didn't 

 "I ain’t got a new verse," admitted Kanye, before Sway replied, "Just talk about what you talk about."

Kanye's bizarre and awful stream of consciousness rap went a little something like this: "I can make shit rhyme, I can make shit rhyme if I feel like, Even if I don’t so I just might not, Cause I don’t want to and I’m just gonna freestyle for the first time, With a freestyle that don’t even go together, No rhymes, that’s my new shit. Uh, oh - You ain’t got that answer Sway, I can say that all night."

Still, he wasn't prepared - so go easy on poor old Yeezy. 

Listen to Kanye's attempt to freestyle over 'Closer' below

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