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by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by

Tags: Fleetwood Mac

Stevie Nicks will 'surprise' fans with her American Horror Story appearance

Fleetwood Mac icon plays herself on TV thriller


Stevie Nicks will 'surprise' fans with her American Horror Story appearance


Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks has opened up about filming her appearance on US TV show American Horror Story: Coven, and has revealed viewers will be 'surprised' by her role on the popular programme.

The music legend, who will be appearing on the US TV horror anthology as herself, told Rolling Stone she was reluctant to accept the invitation to appear on the show initially - but reconsidered due to her friendship with show creator Ryan Murphy, the man behind musical teen drama Glee, who dedicated an episode to Fleetwood Mac's Rumours in 2011. "I couldn't say no. I could say, 'I'm not an actress, so it's going to suck — but I will be glad to try, for you."

However, Nicks was actually asked by producers to extend her stay on set in New Orleans after her performance went down so well. "I don't want to be bad at anything that I do that people see. If I try to learn to skate and I'm terrible, nobody's going to know about it," she told Rolling Stone. "But it was really fun. I now belong to a very secret society. And you'll be surprised — not with my terrific acting, but with the whole thing."

Watch the video for Stevie Nicks' 'Rooms on Fire' below:

Nicks also spoke of how she reached out to the cast of Glee in the wake of late star Cory Monteith's death in July. "I was devastated when Cory [Monteith] died," she remembers. "I wrote a letter to the cast, and I wrote a letter to Lea [Michele]. I tried to be of some solace."

AHS and Glee creator Ryan Murphy has previously revealed Nicks was able to free up some time to appear on the horror show - sadly after the cancer diagnosis of bandmate John McVie, which forced the band to cancel a series of planned 2014 tour dates. 

Below: 11 photos of Fleetwood Mac live in Glasgow

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