by Gaby Whitehill

Tags: Daft Punk

The 7 best bits of Daft Punk's very creepy 'Instant Crush' video

Julian Casablancas! Fire! DOOMED ROMANCE!


The 7 best bits of Daft Punk's very creepy 'Instant Crush' video


Helmeted French dance duo Daft Punk released the accompanying visuals to slow burning Random Access Memories track 'Instant Crush' today (December 6) so naturally we've watched it and picked the best parts (of which there are seven).

This video is a robot free zone. There's also no Nile Rodgers or Pharrell Williams (shocking, we know). Once you've wrapped your brain around that mind-blowing information, read on for our full analysis of this decidedly creepy video, which features waxworks, romance, fire, and Julian Casablancas pulling some awkward dance moves. Enjoy!


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