by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Arctic Monkeys

I'm not dead: Alex Turner RIP hashtag and more bizarre death hoaxes

Here a number of musicians who are alive. Hurrah


I'm not dead: Alex Turner RIP hashtag and more bizarre death hoaxes


People are weird. We know that. Today (9 December, 2013) the hashtag #RIPAlexTurner was trending on Twitter - despite the Arctic Monkeys' frontman being very much alive. 

Seriously, who wakes up and plans these things? #RIPAlexTurner is far from the first death hoax, with the age-old nonsense even dating back to 1966 when Paul McCartney died and was replaced by an imposter. Yeaaaaaaah, right...

So, as the world breathes a sigh of relief at the ongoing existence of Alex Turner, check out today's bizarre death hoax and many more besides, with some of the biggest stars even taking to Twitter to deny their own deaths...


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