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by Esin Huseyin | Photos by

Tags: Sugababes 

Mutya Keisha Siobhan deny that they're being dropped by label

Origibabes deny rumours after chart flop


Mutya Keisha Siobhan deny that they're being dropped by label Photo:

Mutya Keisha Siobhan have denied that they're being dropped by record label Polydor after rumours arising from the 'flop' of comeback single 'Flatline'.  

The original members of the Sugababes - also known as the 'Origibabes' - have spoken out after 'Flatline' only made it to No.50 in the Official UK Singles Chart, which prompted a tidal wave of rumours that they were dropped by their record label.

"For us we weren't expecting the single to chart," member Keisha Buchanan told NME. "On the first day it went to 16, then we did one TV show with Alan Carr and it went to Number 10...If we'd done more TV and there had been more promotion around then we definitely would have had a bigger single. But it did what we wanted it to do.

She continued: "On our Soundcloud we had 100,000 views on one hour. We sold out at the Scala in 60 seconds. For us, I mean I'm not gonna say chart position isn't important, but we are about the album."

'Flatline' was released on  Septembe this year, and is part of their album that should be out early next year. Keisha added: "We've had our record ready since 2012". 

Listen to 'Flatline' by MKS below



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