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by Andrew Trendell | Photos by

Tags: Lostprophets

Ian Watkins' step-dad says he would 'happily knock him around his cell'

Lostprophets' man's parents speak of horror at crimes


Ian Watkins' step-dad says he would 'happily knock him around his cell'


The parents of shamed Lostprophets'singer and convicted paedophile Ian Watkins have told of their horror and shock at his child sex abuse crimes - saying they'd happily 'knock him around' his prison cell. 

Watkins was sentenced to 35 years in prison yesterday (Wednesday 18 December, 2013) after he admitted charges of attempting to rape a baby, as well as the sexual assault of a child under 13. He also admitted three counts of sexual assault involving children and six involving taking, making and possessing indecent images of children and one of possessing an extreme pornographic image involving a sex act on an animal. He was convicted alongside two women who were involved in him attempting to abuse their infant children. 

Speaking to the Daily Mail, John Davies and his wife Elaine said that they been been left ‘utterly devastated’ by Watkins’ sickening and depraved crimes. Mr Davies, a 53-year-old Baptist minister, raised Watkins as his own son after his biological father died.

"I could cheerfully spend an hour knocking him around a cell," said Mr Davies. "There are things I may well want to say to him. These offences are so horrific. They are the most heinous crimes. Every one of us is completely and utterly devastated."

Despite his horror, Mr Davies added that he hoped his stepson would one day be rehabilitated by prison: "It gives me an opportunity to seek some healing in a very broken family."

 He continued:"‘We chose not to come to court. It is far too distressing for Elaine and for me."

Speaking of Watkins' relationship with his mother Elaine, who is currently seriously unwell after a kidney transplant, Mr Davies added: "My heart aches for her. Ian had a very strong relationship with his mother. It is a very deep bond. My heart aches for any individual who has been drawn into this and been affected by it. And only time will tell who those victims are."

Watkins, 35, from Pontypridd, has been told he must serve at least two thirds of his 35-year sentence before being considered for release. 

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