by Gaby Whitehill

Tags: Angel Haze

Angel Haze's label brings forward album release date following leak

Dirty Gold will now be available to buy December 30


Angel Haze's label brings forward album release date following leak


Following her leak of her debut album yesterday (December 18), Angel Haze's label have bought the release date forward by four months.

Dirty Gold was due to be released in March 2014, but rapper Haze's label Island Records have now agreed to rush release the record, which will now be available on December 30 2013. “My labels didn’t think that I would do it, but I did,” Haze explained on Twitter. “It’s hard to put at risk everything I’ve spent this year working on but I had to. For both me and you guys. No one should ever be afforded the opportunity to fuck with your dreams. REGARDLESS OF WHO THEY ARE.

"They do not own you or your faith or your future and because of what you guys helped me show them. My labels have agreed to release Dirty Gold December 30th. Uk & US. (Rest of the world, we are coming for you as well). Thank you all. Night.”

Watch the lyric video for 'A Tribe Called Red' below:

The new release date comes after Haze briefly leaked the album herself online yesterday, accusing the label of unfairly withholding the record. "It's so annoying that my label could tell me that if I fucking finished my album before the summer it would be out this year," she wrote. "...I did not promise an album and not deliver, unlike every fucking one else. I sat my ass down and came up with this music WHEN I HAD NOTHING...So sorry to Island/Republic Records, but fuck you. I got here doing this for my fans and if you guys don't feel the same, it won't stop me."

Haze uploaded the album onto Soundcloud in its entirety - unfortunately, it was removed by Haze's label 30 minutes later. Seems they didn't take too kindly to the "fuck you."

Below: More stars who have hit out at their record label


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