by Alexandra Pollard | Photos by

Tags: Rod Stewart

Rod Stewart's bandmates: ''Why would we f**k around with the Faces?''

Stewart had hoped for reunion in 2015


Rod Stewart's bandmates: ''Why would we f**k around with the Faces?''


Rod Stewart may be keen to play with the Faces again in 2015, but his bandmates seem less certain about the reunion...

Speaking in a Boston radio interview, Stewart said "We're earmarking 2015" for a reunion tour of his old band, leading to huge excitement from fans about their plans for next year.

Ex-bandmate McLagan however, has now responded, telling Uncut magazine that "It's interesting that Rod announces these things without talking to me or Kenney."

He added "Why would we fuck around with the Faces when we've got bigger fish to fry?" The singer added that he is currently more interested in reuniting the Small Faces, the band the Faces became without Rod Stewart.

According to McLagan, Stewart will "have to wait until 2016 because 2015 is the Small Faces' year." Poor Rod.

Below: big comebacks of 2014 to get excited about (now excluding The Faces)


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