by Michael Baggs Staff

Tags: Beyonce 

Beyonce 'terrified' at the thought of new self-titled album flopping

Singer reveals how she kept new album secret


Beyonce 'terrified' at the thought of new self-titled album flopping Photo:

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Beyonce has revealed her fears that her new album would prove a huge flop, after it was recently released with no prior announcement or hype.

The US star's 2013 album has proven a huge success, has broken iTunes records with its sales figures and topped the charts the world over. However, despite the big budget and huge names involved in the project, Beyonce has said she was hit with nerves that the surprise approach of releasing the album could have backfired.

"I was terrified. I was so scared. I already envisioned like the worst things that could happen," she told fans, as she answered questions via her Instagram account at a US event. "I was really nervous because this was a huge risk."

"We went through a lot of things to keep it secret, to keep the surprise," she added, speaking of the lengths she went to, to keep her new music under wraps. "I really, really wanted to surprise people, and for them really just to hear the art and not be about the hype and the promotion."

"And we actually did it."

Watch the video for Beyonce's 'XO' single below

The album is accompanied by 17 new music videos, and Beyonce revealed how she managed to keep her music under wraps from the extras on the shoot of her 'XO' video, revealing that she wore earphones on the set, and she was the only one able to hear the music.

"They had a lot of static, and you could barely hear and I'm trying to lip synch to the lyrics," she admitted. "I could barely hear anything... And people are like, 'Hey, Beyoncé!"

Below: the 17 best bits from Beyonce's 17 new videos


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