by Edward Keeble

Tags: Angel Haze

Angel Haze leaked Dirty Gold album 'to set an example' to label

The rapper opens up on Youtube


Angel Haze leaked Dirty Gold album 'to set an example' to label


Angel Haze has explained why she leaked her debut album Dirty Gold, saying that she needed to reach her fans and had to 'set an example' to her label, Universal.

On Wednesday (December 18), Haze leaked the album on Soundcloud before it was promptly taken down, along with the message: "you guys JUST MAY LEARN TO KEEP YOUR FUCKING WORD. Since they don't want to put it out this year, I will. Here's the album. HERE IS DIRTY GOLD. I hope you all enjoy it." As a result the album has had its release date brought forward to 30 December, 2013.

Now in a new clip on Youtube, Haze openly discusses the difficulties she had with the label, saying that she "didn't want to leak the album" but she intends to be a "voice for the voiceless", aspiring for "true altruism" with the record. This is something she felt the record label got in the way of by preventing her from reaching her fans.

Watch Angel Haze discuss the leak in the clip below  

 "Why would I want to keep it to myself," says Haze, "I don't give a fuck about marketability, I don't give a fuck about going platinum. ... I just wanna fuckin' help, man." Going on to discuss what drove her to the leak, saying: "If the main source of your happiness becomes the sole source of your stress, then something needs to fucking change."


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