by Andrew Trendell

Tags: Kanye West

Kanye West: 'I will not talk sh*t for the next six months'

Yeezy promises 'positivity' in 27 minute rant


Kanye West: 'I will not talk sh*t for the next six months'


Kanye West has vowed to stop talking shit for at least six months, in his latest epic on stage rant. Watch it below. 

During the final show of his current leg of his Yeezus tour this week (23 December, 2013), West embarked in another huge rant on stage in Toronto - this one was 27 minutes long.

As Radar Online reports, Kanye said: "Everything I'm saying that's not allowed, soak it in right now. This might be the last time y'all hear me talk shit for a long time. Might be another like six months. At least. You're just gonna have to run back the interviews and shit if you wanna hear some realness."

Watch West's epic rant from Toronto below

Recent ramblings have seen West attack Nike after animosity over their creative partnership ending, and the Grammys for only giving him two nominations. 

West said he wouldn't "ever bring up Nike again, and the only way I'll bring them up is in a positive light... I'll never bring up the Grammys again in a negative light, because I actually appreciate the 21 Grammys that I did win... So I'm letting you all now that this is the last Yeezus show, and this is the last time you'll ever hear me say [anything] negative about anyone."

It's hardly surprising, as recent rants have seen West come under fire for comparing him being on stage to like being a soldier in war and for saying that 'black people don't have the same connections as Jewish people'

Below: 2013 - Kanye West's year of bad luck


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