by Michael Baggs

Tags: Courtney Love

Courtney Love hints at 2014 Hole comeback after Eric Erlandson reunion

US star reunites with former bandmate


Courtney Love hints at 2014 Hole comeback after Eric Erlandson reunion


Courtney Love has sparked rumours that Hole may reform in 2014, after meeting up with former bandmate Eric Erlandson.

The US rocker met with Erlandson, with whom she formed the hugely popular grunge band with in 1989. Sharing a photo of the two on Twitter, Love suggested a potential Hole reunion, by saying that 2014 is going to be a 'very interesting year'. See the tweet and image below.


Hole officially disbanded in 2002, and since the break-up, there has been bad blood between Love and Erlandson, after Love claimed he had stolen a number of guitars from her, some of which she claimed once belonged to Kurt Cobain.

Love also took to Facebook to reflect on past relationships, writing: "I think at nearly 50 the basis of any relationship should be restraint and pragmatism before the big dramatic tsunami -- shit I wish I knew this at 20, and to become best friends and to make sure your exes dont all hate you. its important to leave romances nicely -- and its 2014 so im letting alot of grudges just go, i dont have time . . . none of it matters -- thank you dave navvaroo and peter mensch."


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