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by Gaby Whitehill

Tags: Kanye West

Kanye West-inspired internet currency to launch in January

Makers hope Coinye West will rival Bitcoin


Kanye West-inspired internet currency to launch in January


A virtual currency inspired by Kanye West is set to launch in January.

The makers of Coinye West, an internet currency which follows in the footsteps of Bitcoin and Dogecoin (based on the "doge" meme) have described it as a "cryptocurrency for the masses", and told Noisey of their grand plans for the virtual currency.

"I can picture a future where Coinye is used to buy concert tickets, with cryptographically verified virtual tickets, and other ideas I can't give away just yet," one of the anonymous makers revealed.

They added they plan to give a number of Coinye Wests away for free upon its release on January 11. "It will get people who are on the fence interested and help them to start using the currency, and we hope they'll share it with their friends, too," they said.

Kanye West himself has not made a comment regarding the new form of internet currency and has no affiliation with it, although the Coinye West makers have reached out to the rapper via Twitter. However, we're sure he'll be no doubt flattered by the venture.

Below - the 9 dumbest moments in Kanye West's 'Bound 2' video:

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