by Edward Keeble

Tags: Jay-Z

Jay Z fan asks rapper for record deal after being invited on stage at gig

'Monique' pulled from audience at Illinois show


Jay Z fan asks rapper for record deal after being invited on stage at gig


Jay Z brought a 19 year-old female fan on stage to perform for him at a show in Illinois last Thursday (January 9).

It may be a case of double deja-vu here as Jay invited a 12 year-old fan on stage just a few days earlier (January 5) in order to perform a medley of 'Clique'. This time round Jay invited 19 year-old Monique out of the crowd due to the sign which she was holding, stating that she had performed with the hov before when she was younger.

“When I was 16 I rapped on this stage with you. I’m 19 now and I’m ready,” said the sign that Monique was holding. Jay responded by saying that it was like "lightning striking twice" and invited Monique on stage were she performed an extensive accapella.

It looks like Monique was hoping to get signed as well as she engaged in a long intro that Jay Z was clearly amused by. She also hugged him when leaving the stage, professing: “You gotta sign me, please.”

Watch a video of Monique on stage with Jay Z below



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