by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by WENN

Tags: Beyonce

The dark side of Beyonce: 8 of her shadiest moments

Don't get on the wrong side of Queen Bey


The dark side of Beyonce: 8 of her shadiest moments

Photo: WENN

Beyonce is a superstar and has fans falling at her feet the world over. She gained major kudos from the world over when she dropped her 2013 album without any announcement - and even more when it turned out to be really good.

As well as being insanely talented and famous, Queen Bey is also a very nice person - a kind of modern day, sexy Mother Theresa. She sings to dying children at concerts. She talks to her fans. She gives to charity. Are there ANY faults to this woman?

Probably not actually, but make no mistake, Mrs Carter does have her dark side, as it's come to light recently via questionable Instagram posts and THAT vintage clip of her majorly side-eyeing Kelly Rowland. Here are Beyonce's shadiest moments. Just call her Beyvil. (Or don't.)


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