by Gaby Whitehill | Photos by WENN

Tags: Snoop Dogg

The 10 greatest moments from Snoop Dogg's Instagram

Socks, selfies and a hell of a lot of weed


The 10 greatest moments from Snoop Dogg's Instagram

Photo: WENN

Snoop Dogg: once a blunt-toting, porn-making gangsta rapper, his biggest hobby is now posting dozens of photos per day on his Instagram page (still smoking blunts, however).

Snoop posts a LOT of photos on his profile - on January 23, he posted a whopping 29 images (!). Most of them don't make any sense, but there are also some bloody amazing ones. Here's 10 of our recent favourites.


1. Breakfast with Snoop

Here, we see Snoop posing with the breakfast of kings - three massive bowls, respectively filled with fruit, some kind of sweets, and weed (obviously). PLEASE ADOPT US. 

2. A selfie with Psy

This one is self-explanatory.

3. Festive jumper

Snoop fully embraced the holiday spirit in 2013. Even his snowman has a matching pipe. 

 4.  Old school Snoop

For Throwback Thursday, Snoop shared a photo of him and his wife at prom. What a romantic.


5. Just imagine him sitting down and editing this

Snoop edited the famous and magical photo of him posing with leaping dolphins with his own Snoopify app, which we recommend everyone buys. 

6. Twerk socks 

Snoop seems to love adorning his feet with a variety of patterned socks (it's the little things). Our favourites are this fetching twerk pair.

7. Blunt selfie 

There are many of these. This one makes us feel vaguely uncomfortable.

8. Weed tacos

Looks nice, but might be a bit dry. Hope you've got some tabasco sauce, Snoop. 

9. Um?

We have no idea what this means - do Jay Z and Snoop Dogg have "beef"? Does Snoop just really like 17th century portraiture? - but we dig it.


We'd love to know the thought process behind this one. 

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