by Edward Keeble | Photos by

Tags: Kanye West

Watch: The church of Yeezianity celebrate Kanye West in new video

Very bizarre indeed


Watch: The church of Yeezianity celebrate Kanye West in new video


The man behind new Kanye West religion, Yeezianity, has revealed a new video in the hope of converting non-believers to his cause. Get coverted below.

The religion, which is based around the teachings of one Kanye West was started by one 23-year-old Brian Liebman. He lives at home with his parents in Westchester and has decided to start his own religion, choosing to get things rolling by being interviewed by staples of spirituality Vice and the Daily Mail.

Now he has edited together clips from Kanye West interviews spliced with subliminal fast cuts of people holding up "I believe in Yeezus" signs. The effect is a rather shoddy attempt at making a mad man sound like a saviour. Liebman also comments in the video, saying stuff like "believe" at the end of each clip in very badly recorded audio.

See the Yeezianity video below

While the video has a slightly creepy edge to it, in the vein that it feels like it's attempting to brainwash you, it's actually pretty rubbish. Also we can't help but feel the whole thing is a joke, particularly when its equivalent of the pope lives in his parents basement.

Below: Kanye West's Yeezus tour - hopefully coming to the UK in 2013


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