by Edward Keeble | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber

Toronto mayor Rob Ford reveals support for Justin Bieber after assault charges

Controversial politician backing troubled star


Toronto mayor Rob Ford reveals support for Justin Bieber after assault charges


Toronto mayor Rob Ford has spoken of his support for troubled singer Justin Bieber after his recent brushes with the law.

The mayor, who has admitted to smoking crack and is being sued for masterminding the beating of his sister's ex-boyfriend, spoke out to defend Bieber. "Well, you know what, he's a young guy," Ford told hosts of the D.C. radio show Sports Junkies. "At 19 years old, I wish I was as successful as he was. He's 19 years old, guys. Think back to when you were 19."  

Obviously Bieber has a fair few critics currently, including hosts of the show he referred to him as "Canada's worst export". Ford quickly responded in defence, but stopped short of saying that he was a fan: "I don’t really follow his music," he said. "I’m 45 years old. I like Led Zeppelin, the Stones, the Eagles."

Watch Justin Bieber getting pulled over by cops below

Currently the world is awaiting a response from the White House for a petition signed by 100,000 Americans in favour of deporting Justin Bieber from the country. The request to revoke his green card was put into motion after his arrest for drag racing, drug troubles and names him as a bad influence on the youth of America.

Meanwhile Bieber himself turned himself in for arrest at the Toronto police station following allegations of assault on a limo driver. The incident reportedly took place in December and marks the second time Bieber has been in trouble with the law in one month.

Below: Justin Bieber "brawls" with photographers in London 


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